Part I: Chapter One "Say Cheese"
So I decided to post a picture of myself up on the Yahoo Groups website where all the other K13s and I can communicate with one another before we fly on out to Philly and then to Kyrgyzstan. I had trouble choosing a photo to use because, after all, these are still first impressions...Well, also because I am extremely indecisive when it comes to, well, making decisions.
Anyway, I chose this one that was taken in San Sebastian, Spain, over the winter. I was eating a magdalena (Spanish cupcake) that my host father would insist I bring with me on every single weekend trip. He'd make a trip to the local bakery each Thursday, so that I could take at least four with me each time. I think the photo does the cupcakes justice... no?

What follows is a list of the ones that didn't make the cut.
But, oh, they were so close...

My middle name is Tommy Lee

Walk a mile in my shoes

I used to be Mexican

Garden State, anyone?

Kiss me, I'm Irish


That's a candid shot, folks
OK, enough of the narcissism. I'm going to Barnes and Noble to get some books.
P.S. I decided to write this blog as if it were a novel. I've always had a thing for memoirs.
Yea! 5 days left! Freak!!!!!!!!!Out.
See you in Philly.
Oh, I'll be there... I just have to make my flight reservations. There's still time for that, right?
Just kidding. 8:03 A.M., Chicago O'Hare. See you.
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