Sunday, December 11, 2005

Part IV: Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program

What exists below this post is my honest attempt to play catch-up and type most of my journal entries up until this point, so that you all will have a better picture as to what I’ve actually been up to. So many things have happened over the last 3 months, it’s hard to even begin, but I’m gonna try. You'll have to excuse "The Month of October." In the words of Sheila, "I haven't gotten that far."

I truly value the friendships I’ve made over the years and want to keep you all updated. My biggest fear, as I shared with my friend N the other day was that while I’m experiencing all these new things, so are all of you. And chances are, no matter how much or how little we communicate over these next 24 months and afterwards, there is still going to be this gap-in-time where we will never fully understand one another. I may never hear about specific moments in your lives, which will change you, form you and mold you. For all I know, I could come back in two years and not have a thing in common with some of you anymore. That thought terrifies me. Thus, I will do my best from here on out to “be” in your lives. I hope you feel the same about me.

"All I can see is black and white and white and pink with blades of blue that lay between the words I think on a page I was meaning to send...
You I couldn't tell if it bring my heart the way I wanted when I started writing this letter to you.

If I could you know I would just hold your hand and you'd understand..."
-Wilco “I’m The [Wo]Man Who Loves You”-


At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's a load of crap that you say you won this race. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you did not race the tied-up baby, only the men did. Yeah, let us all know when you make it to the big time. Until then, we will be your enemies.
p.s. You ever go to the Green Mill off the Lawrence stop of the red line? It was sssmokin'.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babylove! I cannot believe the life you're living over there in the mountains. I'm so glad you're keeping this blog, because this way we get to see what's going on while it's going on. I'm packing up to go home tomorrow, and when I do I'm writing you a sweet letter. Expect it in a month, and don't have any nightmares about it.


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