Monday, November 28, 2005

Chapter Ten: T minus 3 days

I'm about to transistion yet again. On the first of December, I leave the comforts of Kegeti and swear in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). Like I said before, I'm moving to the southshore of the lake. I'll be the only PCV in my village, but there will be some others close by. I'd label myself "nervous but excited." So maybe "anxious" is better.

I'm kinda bummed to be leaving all my friends, as well as my host-family, but my new one seems ok. It's so strange knowing that if things go as planned, I'll probably be living with them for 2 years.

I was on the phone will She-She last night, and I asked her what I was doing here. She responded, "Well, Col, you're volunteering." There's nothing like a mother to say it like it is.

So Saturday night was Guljakan's 45th birthday. I helped make borsok (fried dough)and this Kyrgyz potato salad thing. Apparantly, I dice too big.

I'm in Tokmok right now, about to go to the bazaar and buy my host family a going away gift. The day of the birthday party, a chicken got into the house when I accidentally left the door open to go fill up my water distiller. When I told my Apa about it, she went to fetch it, but in the process, the little creature wacked two of the flower vases with its wings, and they broke into little pieces on the floor. Maybe I'll look into getting replacements.

So my computer is fixed, but I ended up losing all of my information, like iTunes songs, pictures and Word documents. If you feel the Spirit move you, let it groove you, and mail me a photo of yourself or something. Being the genius I am, I also left all my hard copies of my pictures on the flight from JFK to Istanbul. So basically, some random Turkish dude is walking around the world with pictures of me and all of you. Either that, or an Delta Airlines stewardess.

All my love.


At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still say Guljakan sounds like a comic book super villain, but perhaps you have left out the nature of her true identity for your own protection. And I think the real reason you're in Kyrgaydoshapgasdstan or whatever is that you're an international spy. You're undercover, rubbing shoulders with a super villain to gather intel. You can't fool me.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen my new red hat?
Oh piss on your hat!

Marla Hooch......what a hitter.

Miiiiilllllky....... whiiiite.....

The hard is what makes it great.

I just finished watching a League of Their Own. So good! Wish you were here to quote it word-for-word with me.

At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copy and paste that for a webcam of the Plaza de Castillo. Wish I had known about this earlier, we could have made obscene gestures to our friends and family from overseas.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger C said...

Smoot, do you know what that means?

When I face-planted during the siesta, the World was watching.

I was not alone!!!!! Nooooooo!

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want you to know that I am driving up to Chicago tonight and will probably die on the way. Pretty much the entire route from here to there is expecting around half a foot of snow. I'm bored at work so I thought I'd let you know about this since you know me and are from Chicagoland (so you might care if I die and you might be interested to know that I will by dying on my way to Chicago). Remember me at my fastest.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want you to know that I am driving up to Chicago tonight and will probably die on the way. Pretty much the entire route from here to there is expecting around half a foot of snow. I'm bored at work so I thought I'd let you know about this since you know me and are from Chicagoland (so you might care if I die and you might be interested to know that I will by dying on my way to Chicago). Remember me at my fastest.


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