Chapter Sixteen: If someone steals your Chaco, Let. It. Go.
...or your new 200 com yellow beach towel, or your irreplacable sleeping bag cover.This is where it all went down.

But that's neither here nor there. Except for there.
What I really want to say is that today is the last day that I'll be away from people I up and left 10 months ago. Well, at least three of them. Lucky bastards.
As a result of my endeavors, I'll be starting a new part to this wonderfully amazing story soon.
Plus, the K-14s are on their way as we speak to this grand republic, so it's only fitting.
Aight, I'm off to eat dinner, repack my bag, and then board a flight to Istanbul where I'll enjoy the advantage of a 14-hour layover and day visa. Then it's off to Sofia for a week and Vienna soon thereafter.
Enjoy yourselves because I will be.
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