Chapter Two: Soviet-Era Station Wagons
Renwick - Marshall 2K6. Damn.
My week in Sofia is coming to an end, but a new one in Austria will begin soon. Time went by so fast. It's weird how even though people need a rest and a vacation sometimes, I feel a little strange having left Krygyzstan and my service for a few weeks to travel around Europe. A part of me feels silly for feeling this way. Instead of actually writing anything, here's a list. Lists were a good idea.
- Saw Superman at a theater with popcorn, Diet Coke and beer.
- Walked the city alone and got lost but found my way home, reading Cyrillic.

- Ate McDonald's. Twice.
- Attended a 3-day Bulgarian "Woodstock," but only for a day and night.

- Spent significant time at a coffee shop, reading and drinking.
- Took an inter-Bulgarian train ride.

- Went to a local's birthday party.
- Left the comforts of city life, and ventured off outside Sofia for a day trip.

- Hung out with an Austrian, an Australian, an Italian, some Germans and a bunch of Bulgarians, all of whom could speak fluent English. Even the Australian.
- Pushed the Berlin Wall over.

And that's a wrap. See you when I see you, friend.

Up, up and away.
son of a...
too bad people don't comment on your blog more, it's really awesome, you get more comments than mine does
from pops
those guys at the woostock concert appear to be puffing the magic dragon. Please stay away from bums like chich and chong at the concert and in life
with love,
L Daddy
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